10 Home Remedies Known To Treat Your Body Ache

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Home Remedies for Body Pain and Tiredness

Body ache is very tiring and a discomforting situation, which is caused by various reasons such as long hours of sitting in an office or due to stress. Getting up early in the morning with body ache becomes a trouble and small amount of physical activity leaves you pooped. It is high time to say goodbye to exhausting body aches, without using any painkillers. The mentioned below are the home remedies to cure your body aches. These are the natural products with no side effects and are easily accessible in your kitchen.

Body aches are usually symptoms of medical conditions such as stress, dehydration, microbial infection and insufficient sleep. Body aches can be cured simply by using the products available in our kitchen. Here are some tips to heal your body ache.

  1. Bananas

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Potassium is an essential nutrient for healthy muscle and banana is a rich source of potassium. Adding banana in daily diet help you get rid of cramps and fatigue.

How to use?

  • You can eat a banana or have a shake for breakfast, this will help you to eliminate pain.
  • Adding banana to your daily diet helps you to counteract potassium deficiency and provide your body with an instant energy.
  1. Ginger

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Ginger has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a great remedy for body ache. It also helps in the circulation of blood.

How to use?

  • For quick relief, one can drink the hot cup of ginger tea. For some added benefits you can add honey to tea. One must consume ginger tea twice or thrice a week to get rid of frequent body aches.

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  1. Turmeric

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Turmeric is a better natural painkiller, it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing properties.  Combined all properties help to fight against body ache and boost the overall immune system.

How to use?

  • Heat milk at low heat, add a half tablespoon of turmeric and mix well. Consume turmeric milk to cure the pain.
  • You can add honey for quick relief and enhanced results.




  1. Rosemary

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Rosemary is well known for its excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It works naturally to combat against the body ache.

How to use?

  • Add the teaspoon of rosemary tea to warm, water and add a half teaspoon of honey to tea and consume instantly.
  • You can add rosemary oil to the carrier oil for body massage.


  1. Body Massage

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A specialized body massage relieves the body pain, as this helps in muscle relaxation. Massage therapists work effectively against body pain as compared to treatment.

  1. Vitamins

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The Human body requires various vitamins to work properly. A deficiency of these vitamins causes muscle damage or pain, hence it is mandatory to intake vitamin-rich diet. You can go from another vitamin supplement, after consulting a doctor.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

source: shutterstock

Apple cider vinegar is an effective home remedy for body ache. It has an anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial property, which helps in relieving pain.

How to use?

  • Fill the bathtub with warm water and add two cups of apple cider vinegar to it. Now soak yourself in it for a few minutes, this will slowly fade away the pain.
  • You can add apple acid vinegar to warm water and add honey, mix well and consume it for added benefits.
  1. Cold Compressor

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A cold compressor reduces the activity of the nerves in the affected area and reduces pain. It has anesthetizing property, which provides temporary relief from pain.

How to use?

  • Apply the ice pack to the painful Left it for 10 minutes. Repeat it twice or thrice, this provides you with a quick and temporary relief of pain.
  1. Cherries

source: shutterstock

Cherry juice helps in dipping the pain as it is induced by the anti-inflammation property. It is an easy and effective home remedy to get relief from body ache.

How to use?

  • Drink the unsweetened cherry juice twice a day for better results.
  1. Mustard oil

source: shutterstock

Mustard oil is another effective and a natural remedy to reduce pain. The oil contains the allyl isothiocyanate, which fights against the pain caused by inflammation.

How to use?

  • Massage the overall body with mustard oil and leave it for 30 to 40 minutes. Now take a shower, this helps you to get rid of body ache.

Nature also does a great job in healing and curing the body ache. The above-mentioned are the natural ways that provide you with the liberty of movement. All the products are available in the kitchen and they work excellently against the pain. The benefit of using natural remedies is that they don’t have any side effects.


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